Succession Planning

Sustain organizational growth

Identifying and training the next generation is a major challenge, and one that needs to be thought through in advance. Succession planning, talent mapping and strategic planning help to identify, retain and develop your resources so that they can achieve your objectives and perpetuate your organization's growth.

By considering all of an organization's key positions, you'll get a global view of your employees' opportunities for advancement and development, as well as their chances of success in relation to the positions to be filled in the short, medium and long term.

Plan your succession today to ensure the stability and longevity of your organization.

Deux collègues joyeux au travail, représentant la relève et la planification de la succession.

How does the strategic succession planning process work?

Identifying key positions

We help you identify the positions that will have the greatest impact on your company's success. Based on your strategic planning, we identify senior management positions and positions requiring specific expertise to ensure the succession of your company's pillars.

Identifying future leadership profiles

In terms of skills, your current needs are probably not the same as your future needs. We can help you define the skill profiles you'll need.

Mapping your talent

Having a better understanding of your internal talent pool in terms of development potential and operational readiness enables you to determine the staffing strategies to be deployed.

Empowering existing managers

We believe that immediate superiors have an essential responsibility in the development of their human capital. We provide them with the tools they need to implement a structured approach to skills development and to support their resources.

Supporting organizational intelligence

When the time comes to pass on the torch, it's essential to identify the right person and cultivate their leadership skills to propel your teams forward. By doing so, they’ll be able to ensure your organization's performance and longevity.

Why include succession planning in your overall business strategy?

A strategic succession and succession
planning plan makes it possible to:

Ensure operational continuity by minimizing disruption and maintaining stability.

Reduce recruitment costs by preparing in-house talent.

Prepare your organization for unforeseen changes, such as retirements or resignations, by having replacement plans ready.

Improve your company's overall efficiency and performance by aligning employee skills and aspirations with future needs.

React quickly to market opportunities and position yourself favorably in relation to your competitors.

Strategic succession planning is useful in the following contexts:

Business transfer to ensure the competence, cohesion and commitment of stakeholders

Rapid growth to anticipate future needs

Reorganization or restructuring to deploy talent effectively and fill critical positions quickly

Technological evolution to keep the organization competitive

A merger or acquisition to integrate teams, retain top talent and align organizational cultures

Potential & skills assessment

Skills development

Team building & executive coaching

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